Thursday, 13 September 2012

Weekend Fun with the Children

If you have run out of plans on how to keep your children from getting bored on a weekend, you might try taking them into the kitchen. Getting kids excited about making new things and cooking alongside you increases their interest in the food they eat. In fact, this also equips them with the knowledge to make good and sensible choices about food.

Weekdays are busy for children and parents, so weekends are just the right time to try out this activity. Here are a few fun things you can do with your children to get them interested about food and cooking.

¬ Try making popcorn balls. Even after all the stickiness on your hands with the popcorn and marsh mellow, this is real fun. You all might end up eating more than what you make eventually!

¬ Who doesn’t like applesauce? And it is even tastier when everyone has done their bit in making it. Get your children to peel, core and slice apples this weekend, and cook the sauce with them. In no time, the homemade applesauce will be a staple for every weekend.

¬ Children love their artwork. Be it their books, clothes or even their room walls, each one has their imprint on them. Give your children a way to exhibit their artistic side through cupcake decoration. Bake a fresh batch of cupcakes and arm the kids with different colours of icing and applicators. Work alongside while they display their creations with pride and glee.

¬ How about organising a baking afternoon the next Saturday. You could even invite your children’s friends to join in the fun. Try out different recipes of cakes and biscuits, while letting the children decide which one they’d prefer. If you can’t find any recipes of your own the
Anchor Dairy website has many to chose from. Let them measure and whip ingredients and see the delight on their faces as their cakes turn up. You could even conduct tasting sessions to decide which one tastes best!

When you witness the pride in their eyes on having successfully baked a cake or prepared a wholesome sandwich for brunch, you would know the experience is worth it. Guide and advise them while helping and teaching them, as they learn the art of cooking.

While they are in the kitchen, you could even give them some interesting information about the ingredients they work with. Help them lay the table for the whole family and when they prepare a dish or a whole meal, make sure it is treated like an occasion to celebrate. After all, children and cooking are two of life’s biggest pleasures.

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