Thursday, 20 September 2012

Tesco Mum Of The Year Awards 2013

When you think of mum of the year what springs to mind? I'll tell you what springs to my mind when I think about mum of the year - undeserving celebrities. Women that have become mum of the year simply because of there celeb status. Now don't get me wrong some of them deserve it, especially those that give so much to our charities and communities. I do feel sometimes that I wish there was more of a story behind the reasoning of them becoming mum of the year.

Tesco Mum Of The Year Awards is completely different to those other mum of the year awards. This one is all about celebrating real mums, like me and you. Those of us who has gone beyond our normal daily tasks and have given to others be it emotional support to a friend in need or helping out complete strangers. Those mums that have really made a difference for the greater good, these are the mums that really do deserve to be honored and I'm sure you'll agree with me.

Why not say thank you and nominate an amazing mum that you know that deserves to be recognized for what they have done. They'll be awarded at a glitzy awards cermony at the rather lovely Savoy hotel where they will dine with celebrities. Not only that but also rewarded with a outfit to wear, a two night stay in London and goodie bag full of fantastic treats. What better way to say well done and thank you then all of that?

To nominate head over to this nomination form and let Tesco know who should win the Tesco Mum Of The Year Award. Why not let all your friends and family know about the nominations over on Facebook/Twitter? You never know, you might just nominate the same person doubling their chance to be recognized for what they've done. But be quick! Nomination's end at 11.55pm on the 21st September - that's tomorrow night!

Find out more head over to the Tesco Magazine Mum Of The Year Award website and to be kept up to date with all the goings on, why not follow them on twitter at and follow the hashtag
