Friday, 28 September 2012

The New Heinz FIVE Beanz

Apparently the best things come in five and if you've tried the new Heinz FIVE Beanz then you might just think that's true. We were asked if we wanted to try out the new Heinz FIVE Beanz along with a Tea For Grown Upz Package. Though of course Oli wasn't left out, he was treated to a Heinz Alphabetti Spaghetti-inspired meal. We were sent along with the beans a food shop which contained everything we needed to make a meal to go with our beans. Of course in our excitement at seeing steak we threw out our other dinner plans that evening to try out these new beanz and eat steak.

We very much enjoyed our Heinz themed meals, even the husband who at first was rather hesitate about eating a can of beans which actually had 5 different type of beans in it. I was quite excited about it and thought it a nice change from the usual tin of Heinz beans that often graces our plates. Ever since trying them I've been using them to brighten up my lunch, they've been making great jacket potato fillings as well as being chucked into a few sausage and bean casseroles. 

Heinz FIVE Beanz includes:

  1. Haricot – this much-loved bean is creamy white with a smooth, slightly nutty flavour. The Haricot bean originates from North America where they are known as the ‘navy bean’ and are also used in the nation’s favourite Heinz Beanz
  2. Red Kidney – known as the ‘chilli bean’ as these are often used in Chilli Con Carne, red kidney beans are sweet in flavour and packed full of protein 
  3. Borlotti – red and speckled these beans have a nutty flavour and are known as ‘cranberry beans’. They are very popular in Italian, Portuguese and Greek cooking and have a sweetish flavour with a smooth creamy texture 
  4. Pinto – popular in Spain and Mexico cooking, Pinto means ‘painted’ in Spanish. So-called because of its mottled colour (similar to that of a Pinto horse) these beans turn pink when cooked. 
  5. Cannellini – dubbed the white kidney bean these are used widely in Italian cooking. When cooked, they have a fluffy texture and a slightly nutty, mild flavour.

You can find the new Heinz Five Beanz in your local supermarket down your bean aisle. Have you tried them yet? 
