Tuesday, 2 March 2010


You know those inventions that we just couldn't live without now that they have been discovered and used? Like the tin-opener , my specialty beans on toast wouldn't be possible without it , what about computers/laptops or even the internet? We wouldn't be able to feed our twitter addictions or stare at pictures of Johnny Depp (ok... it may be just me that does that!) .

By there's a new invention for us Mummy's that has been designed to make our lives easier. It's like the tin-opener for my pram. It's just what I needed and I wonder how I've made it through the last 11 month's without it!!

What is this? I hear you asking me out of curiosity and the need to own this wonderful product yourself!!

The SnoozeShade

My babygroup was a hour earlier then usual, which conflicted with Oli's nap. Not wanting to miss out on socializing , I still went . But had a rather grumpy baby who needed his morning nap.
I spent what seemed like most of the session trying to rock Oli to sleep. I even left him screaming in his pram , hoping he would just go off.

Then I remembered I had the SnoozeShade underneath the pram in its storage bag, why I didn't think of it straight away is beyond me and I'm still beating myself up about that now.
So I popped it out and over Oli, it was like a instant drink , ready in seconds - Oli was asleep in seconds! The darkness and the shield from distraction helped Oli think he was in his room and in his cot.

He then slept longer then what he usually would, which was great for me as being able to shop in peace was pure bliss! :)

If only I had this when Oli was first born then I wouldn't of had to hunt for muslins/blankets to cover him whilst he was sleeping or when I was trying to get him to sleep!

The SnoozeShade fitted perfectly on to my Britax Strider and as you can see from the SnoozeShades website and it can fit on to most other prams.

It's so simple to use , the velcro straps (which are hi-viz!) just go round any handles/bars you have and there's a zip at the front so you can take a peep at baby to check if he/she's ok.
I was concerned at first when I saw it online - I thought it was crazy to be able to just cover up the pram like this , but as soon as you see/feel the material you know it's perfectly safe . It's well ventilated and perfectly safe for baby.

I also used the SnoozeShade on my way to The Baby Show in London , This is one time where the SnoozeShade is literally your best friend - A train full of people, noise , distraction and a rather tired baby that is screaming because he needs some shut eye!

Thank You SnoozeShade!

There's a full list of stockists on the SnoozeShade website where you can purchase the SnoozeShade.


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