Saturday, 13 March 2010

I Do Belong Here

I apologize for my lack of posts the couple of days , My blogging mojo had just disappeared along with my energy. I just didn't know what to say , I couldn't even think of a Wordless Wednesday entry!
I've started to feel insecure about my posts too , now there's more & more bloggers joining the community each day . I'm reading more & more fantastic posts and then I compare them to mine and I think to myself why would anyone want to read mine, when they have these great posts to read instead?

When I asked you about how do you find the time to visit each blog in your reader/comment the overall response was that it's the title that draws you in - if it has a great title and great first opening lines then it's something that you want to read.
I really don't know what has come over me , I've never been bothered by what I write . I've never been embarrassed about my blog til this week where I was sat in front of the computer and I just didn't know what to say - I didn't even have that urge of wanting to write something and post it like I normally do. Am I having a blogging breakdown?

I've also been struggling with a post that I started writing a few month's ago, it's about how I'm no longer in contact with my family and why. It's something I feel like I need to get off my chest and will give you more of a insight into my past. I was going to publish it in time for Mother's Day but then I decided that this weekend is a happy weekend . I may not be getting my Mother anything this year but this is my first Mother's Day and I look forward to spending it with my boys.

After I've finished writing this post , I'm going to switch the computer off and spend a quality day with the family. I'm also planning on spending some much needed time in the garden. I'm looking forward to doing this , it's the first garden that I have had to myself and get to do with it whatever I like. I got some carrot & pepper seeds to plant - so wish me luck! Gardening is as foreign to me as what cooking is!

Just to update you on the whole 'dummy' situation - It's been over two weeks and he has not had that dummy once. I decided just to go cold turkey and take it away completely , I was advised that I could just give it at night but I wanted to go the full whack and get rid of it completely before he turned one.
I have noticed a big difference in him , He's cuddling me more - I'm not sure if that's because he's lost the comfort from sucking on his dummy but I enjoy this new affection of his!
He is babbling and trying to talk so much more then before , I'm so glad we've decided to give it up.
I still have his dummies at the bottom of his changing bag , after this week I think I may choose to put them at the bottom of the bin instead.

I've thrown myself into party planning , I know there's still a month until Oli is one but I've found it so much fun writing the guest list , the invitations and planning the food/entertainment.
Any tips on how to do a 1st birthday party (and survive it!) would be greatly appreciated!

Well I'm signing off now as the Mr wants a bacon sarnie , I promise that normal service will return soon.
