Sunday, 7 March 2010

My First Vlog

Welcome to my Vlogging debut , it's rare enough to get a photo of me let alone a video so I really did overcome some shyness to record this. It did take several takes for us to do it , my supporting cast - The other half & Oli were not being very professional!

Why Am I Vlogging? Well the wonderful Karin @ Cafe Bebe & the lovely Heather @ Notes From Lapland have come up with the' Just Vlog It Challenge' and this month's theme is 'Teach Us Something'.

And what am I going to teach you? Well I'm going to show you how to make a Chocolate Cup - Cake (Literally!) in 5 minutes , I did make the mistake on saying in 3minutes on the video but what I was referring to was the 'cooking time' .
I also made the mistake of not whisking the mixture properly , so please look pass my mistakes and ENJOY! :)
