Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Yummy Mummy

Yes we are mums, yes we have 1000 things to do in the space of one hour, and yes we are absolutely excellent at multitasking……as we have no choice, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose our amazing fashion sense we had BC (Before child). It is understandable that we won’t have as much time as we used to when we were young but we need to remember that it is important to make time for ourselves.

I have chosen to write this post to put emphasis on the importance of looking and feeling great! Not for those out there who have to look at our unmade faces, but for the way you feel about yourself. We spend our lives making others happy (Because we are just so nice like that) but what about making ourselves happy. Buying ourselves a couple of pairs of boots or a nice coat isn’t going to kill us, it is winter after all.

With that in mind, I have chosen to write this post to show all of you lovely ladies that there is a way to keep up to date with the latest fashions and it doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank.

Invest in a statement coat and boots

Coats and boots are the only two things you can wear more than 4 times in one week, and this is why I like to invest in an excellent warm and stylish winter coat and some fabulous boots. I can’t wear heals that I used to wear when I was younger so I prefer to wear a gorgeous pair of flat boots which look simple and tasteful.

I don’t know about you, but I have never had the slimmest carves. No matter what I do or how hard I work out I still have chunky legs, and therefore sometimes it can be slightly difficult getting my legs into thigh high boots….if only we looked like Julia Roberts in pretty women.

This is why I have collated a selection of gorgeous boots from House of Fraser and a couple of statement jackets which I believe immediately smarten up an outfit and can be worn with absolutely everything.

If you’re anything like me you would like to stick to darker colours, but that doesn’t necessarily have to mean wearing black to every event. This season I think plums, purple; brown and toffee colours are the gorgeous alternative to the classic black. As always black goes with absolutely everything so don’t got throwing out all of your beautiful black ensembles but try and team them with a little bit of colour, whether you dare to wear red or would like to stick with the autumnal colours.

For those of you out there who love their bright colours and 6inch heals these are the outfit choices for you.

These two pairs of boots make me melt every time I look at them, if you are like me and wouldn’t be able to last longer than 5minutes wearing these in the day then purchase them for your Christmas nights out, you will stand out and indeed look a very yummy mummy.

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