Monday, 19 November 2012

Creative Christmas Gift Idea- Books!

Christmas is fast approaching, and when I say fast, I do indeed mean fast. Last time I thought about it approaching at all, it was only the end of October and I had plenty of time. I was also going to be super organised this year, and get all my presents well in advance. December is around the corner, and I’m still in the planning phase of presents, i.e. haven’t got any and have no idea what to get.

If you also need some gift inspiration, then read on, as I’ve stumbled across a very creative gift idea from Blurb.

Blog Books

If a member of the family is a keen blogger (subtle hint here to the man), you could transform their blog into a Blurb photo book, so that they have a hard copy of their blog. You can decide if all or just a selection of the blog’s best posts should be included in the book, and you can also choose to have full creative control of the design. Alternatively, you can opt for one of Blurb’s book templates. The process is very straight forward, and the end result is professional looking photo book.

Travel Books

If you need a gift for a friend or family member, who is a keen traveller, consider putting the pictures of their latest trip together in a photo book. Either use the photos you already have of the trip, or surprise them by putting the photos they posted on Facebook or Instagram into a book.

Cooking Books

Has someone close to you just started Uni, and are getting sick of beans on toast already? You could give them a self-created cookbook with all their favourite dishes in. Or if the family is full of Michelin Star worthy chefs, then why not take a unique recipe from everyone and create a family cook book.

Baby Books

You’ve taken endless pictures of the little ones, but they’re all just sitting on your computer or memory card. Surprise your spouse with a baby photo book created and designed yourself.

Friend Books

If a friend has recently had a big birthday or get together, or you simply want to remind them of some of the fun times you’ve had, then a photo book is a creative and personal gift option.
As you can see, there are many, many photo book options. This is why I wanted to share the photo book gift idea.
You can take my word that creating a photo book is an easy procedure, as I’m not that tech-savvy, so it’s a reasonable word to listen to. Or you could take a look at this video, and discover how simple it is. It might even provide you with some more photo book inspiration.
