Monday, 12 July 2010

Letter To A 15 Month Old

Dear my darling Oliver ,

Yesterday you were 15 months of age , 3 months have gone since your 1st Birthday. It has simply flown by! I remember those butterflies I had in my stomach when you were turning 1 , When I just still couldn't believe that I was a Mother let alone a Mother to a 1 year old.
Those butterflies have returned not because of how quickly you're growing up but because of the new stages we are now experiencing. I can no longer refer to you as a baby , you are now a Toddler. A walking , talking Toddler.

Yes I am now coming to terms with that I have a full blown toddler on my hands. I have packed away the baby gros now that your in big boy Pjs , the babyish toys have also gone now that your into your cars and figurines and I'm even starting about redoing your bedroom. See I cant even call it your nursery as that just doesn't seem to fit anymore.

You're developing such a sense of humour which is where I can see you being just like your Daddy. You find it funny to turn your head around so we cant see you and then you reappear saying boo. This may be such a small thing to you but this fills my heart with such warmth to see you communicating with us in such a way.

Exploring seems to be your new obsession. You just want to roam wild , I can see it in your eyes. When the door opens you run at lightning speed to get a glimpse at what is outside , you even try to escape and I know those tears you give us whenever that door shuts is pure dissapointment at not having your chance to explore what is out there, despite my promises of "I will take you to the park later darling" you just dont understand. You run crazily around the house , you let everyone know it's yours. Was that why you did a wee right in the middle of the living room? Were you marking your territory?

Your smile seems to be getting wider each day with each new discovery and challenege. You are the light of my life and this stage you're at is hard work but I wouldnt change it for anything. I'm enjoying exploring the world like you are with fresh new eyes.

I love you lots


