Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Can I Have A Holiday?

How do Woman that juggle children , careers & studying do it? I've not even quite got the career bit going and yet I still feel like I'm taking on the world.

I have been writing endless cover letters to go out wit my CV to potential jobs , have I heard anything back? Nope. I'm guessing the long break after having a baby may be a put off. This is no big worry as money seems ok at this time , I don't have a clue how we've lasted this long with being a one income family but we've coped. Maybe I'm better at budgeting then I thought I was!

It feels so wrong to complain! it's not like I've got multiple children to look after or even school age children which brings more responsibilities (lunchboxes & ironed school uniform -I do fear it!) . But what is getting in my way is life. I have a rather demanding one year who wants attention 24/7 and that includes night times so yes I am a zombie during the day.
If I'm not battling with Oli for him to eat/sleep/chill then I'm cleaning a constant mess or cooking.. How do you do it all? Am I not alone in wishing for a pause button?

I didn't blog at all over the weekend as it just felt wrong too pour words into this when I should be pouring words into the essay I should be doing. The essay which has to be in at midnight tonight. The essay that is currently sat in Microsoft word with only 100 words and that's the title and the essay question.

But what am I doing instead of writing this essay , I'm blogging. I'm sat writing this post. Sat putting words into this (we all need a outlet to moan!) . As well as many other reasons Blogging gives me a sense of calmness and seeing your lovely replies to my random ramblings turns this :( into this :)
