Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Why I don't believe in Halloween, but still celebrate it

I'm not a believer in Halloween, the thought of kids knocking on strangers houses for trick and treating makes me nervous. Them by themselves means the dangers of not knowing who's door they are knocking on and what about the sweets they're receiving, how are we to know what kind of sweet it is? I know, I know we shouldn't wrap them up in cotton wool and thoughts like this will just take the fun out of life. But I just cant help but to feel that way when it's comes to my children and strangers. Dressing kids up as devils makes me feel eery as well. I cant explain why but there's just something about celebrating hell & dressing up as 'a bad BAD guy' which makes me edgy. Bet you're thinking by now that I'm a right nutcase who takes the fun out of everything?

Well I don't, I do like to get involved with the fun of pumpkin carving and the dressing up. Despite the man's hatred of Pumpkins, we'll be buying some to decorate and carve. I've seen so many ideas over on Pinterest that I plan on using, I've pinned some to . We've actually got some people coming round for fireworks the night of Halloween so I'm going to do make some Halloween themed decorations. I think we'll be going down the American dressing up route of dressing up as other characters, I'm sure the toddler will have something in mind and for Dylan I have Oli's old cat all in one which he can wear.

The food Halloween brings with it excites me though, I'm a HUGE pumpkin pie fan and will be hunting down recipes so I can attempt my own in the next couple of weeks. I'm usually lazy and buy candy apples from the supermarket but I might have a go at making my own with the toddler this year.

What do you do come Halloween? 
