Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Febreze Breathe Happy Challenge

I have to admit I was a little afraid when accepting the Febreze Breathe Happy Blogger Challenge and was told that I was going to be sent something, I feared that I was going to receive something rather pongy - I've obviously watched the Febreze advert way too much. Was even more fearful when a big square box arrived! What was going to be in it? Smelly socks? A dirty nappy? Contents of a rubbish bin? Actually it was none of those items but instead some rather lovely surprises.

Febreze recently did some research and found that the nation’s top 5 smells in the home that are most likely to bring a smile to our faces are:

1) Baking a cake
2) Bacon sandwich
3) Fresh pot of coffee
4) Fragrant candle
5) A bunch of fresh flowers

So in case you cant see from the photos I was sent a cake recipe book to bake a cake, a toaster for that ultimate bacon sarnie, a coffee decanter and some coffee, a voucher to treat myself to some flowers and a Febreze candle to light. The challenge was to use these items and let them know how the various different scents made me and my family smile.

Nothing can beat the smell of baking a cake, this to me is as equally good as eating the finished product. This smell actually makes me feel like I'm walking on air! Any cake lover knows what I'm on about. The man loves cake full-stop and seems to be able to distinguish what kind of cake I'm making by the smell. And when it comes to the toddler, he smells it and then doesn't stop shouting CAKE at the top of his voice. Winner all around when it comes to the smell of cake.

Best smell to wake up to is bacon, I love how it fills up the whole house and lasts until lunchtime. I think it's the only thing that gets either me or the man out of bed in the mornings other then the children.

I think the smell of coffee is enough to awake you let alone drinking it to wake you up. I love how the smell hits your taste buds before the actual coffee does. To me it's a comforting smell, to the man it's a pick me up and he likes it alongside his bacon.

I didn't even need to take the Febreze candle out of the box to get a good whiff of it. I only lit it for the picture and immediately blew it out so I could savior it for a while. I'm one of those weirdos that like to keep nice smelling soaps and candles for as long as possible.

The scent of flowers is one I adore. I love how every different flower has a different scent, my favorite is Lily's. The toddler knows that flowers have smells because as soon as he sees them his instant reaction is to smell it. The man isn't a fan of flowers but you cant blame him as he has hay fever.

No wonder they are the nations top 5 favourite smells, each of them would certainly top my own list for favourite smells. Thank you Febreze for providing me with these smells and bringing a smile to my face.
