Thursday, 9 June 2011

Accepting the label of Mummy Blogger

I got involved in a rather interesting conversation on twitter the other day about mummy blogging. The general gist was about using 'mummy blogger' as a label for ourselves.

A label no matter what it is/who says it/if you accept it/believe in them etc.. Does not define who you are or what you do. There is so much more to blogging other then 'mummy blogging'. Yes there may be mum's who blog about being a mum but it doesn't stop there. For example if I wanted to read a crafty type blog I would visit Scrapbookerry/Red Ted Art/Mum In The Madhouse/Nuturestore. For cooking I'd go to Amy at Cooking, Cakes & Children. If I wanted to get a fashion fix I would pop over to Glowstars who has a serious shoe fetish. For photography I would go and see Softthistle/Mocha Beanie Mummy and for say home/gardening I would check out Tales From The Village/Violet Posy. And if I wanted to go to a blog where I know it will be packed full of all things family I would go see Pippa at A Mother's Ramblings or Cass at The Diary Of A Frugal Family.

These guys blog about so much more then just being a mummy, which I guess is the reason why I and so many others like to read them. It just proves there is alot more to being a mummy blogger then actually mummy blogging. We mother's have much more to us then just being mother's, we have our own talent and skills which we like to show off via our blogs.

Kirsty wrote a post asking Am I a Mummy Blogger which was food for thought. I love the way she talked about she thought setting up a blog would be a good way of making money and getting free stuff. This made me giggle! How many of you have done exactly the same but like Kirsty actually discovered there was more to 'Mummy Blogging' then freebies? I don't even know what people mean by freebies, if they're on about the random assortment of items we get sent to review then they're not exactly free when by the time you've received the item, tried it out and think about exactly what you think about the item and what you want to write about it. You've worked for it. Like the PR who most likely sent it to you worked by finding you, the blogger you they wanted to provide exposure for the client they are working with.

For me mummy blogging is a hobby, a fantastic hobby which has provided me with both fantastic friendships, opportunities and a online community full of support. It's also provided me with a means of bringing in a small income which helps to provide my family with those little extras. Yes I do reviews, why would I say no to the chance of my son getting a toy garage or as scooter which I might not be able to otherwise afford? At the end of the day it is my blog and if I want to fill up the sidebar full of advertisements or blog about my son's poops then that's totally up to me.

The term 'Mummy Blogger' is something I've happily accepted, I signed no contract or joined any group which made me a mummy blogger. I just became one the moment I started blogging about being a mother and continued too.

I leave you with Sally's Not wrong. Just different post which pretty much sums up all I'm trying to say.
