Tuesday, 30 November 2010

The Quinny Zapp Extra

So we've had the Quinny Zapp Extra for over a month now and we've already blogged about becoming a QuinnyCaster and we've even blogged about opening the box. I thought I would do a update with how we've been getting on with the Quinny from the first time we used it to it's recent adventures.

Our first time using it we took it on a trip to the local shops, it lived up to all my expectations as a lightweight pram which was easy to push.

We took it to London with us a few weekends ago and it worked a treat on the streets on London, we were unsure which pram to take with us because of the amount of train/tube/escalator riding we were planning on doing. It took up barely any room on the tubes which was handy when it came to squeezing onto the last tube to go back home.

I have to admit before I actually became a QuinnyCaster I was really unsure about the shape of them, I didn't think the pram looked comfortable for children especially the foot bit. But after actually using it and seeing Oli in it with my own eyes I changed my mind. Oli as a toddler finds the pram comfortable to sit in and use, unlike other prams that we've used he can sit up straight in the Quinny.

Getting Oli to sleep in it was a breeze, the fact you can recline the backrest back is a big help. It meant he slept for longer and was perfectly comfortable. The huge sun shade which will be handy come summer was perfect for blocking him out from the rest of the world whilst he got some essential shuteye.
