Saturday, 16 October 2010

Playskool Ball 'n' Gear Centre

Oli got sent the Ball 'n' Gear centre from Playskool to try out and review.

It's been a much played with toy ever since it came through the door!

I can tell he was drawn into straight away it by the bright colours which instantly gives it that 'kid friendly' aspect. This is something we like about all the Playskool products. The Ball 'n' Gear Centre doesn't look cheap or nasty like some of the other plastic toys out there in the shops and the material looks firm and able to withstand a toddler's rough play. Oli tested that out by using it as a stool whilst watching TV.

Oli loves stacking the gears and leaving them stacked but when he goes to bed I put all the stacks where they should go. He goes straight to it when he's bought downstairs in the morning to put them back on top of each other.

He enjoys pressing the smiley face button which makes the gears spin around , the button is great as its big enough for his little hands, so its simple to use.

He really enjoyed exploring the toy and trying out all its different functions, there's some gears permanently attached on the ball arch which can be span around as well as the balls which can pop in and out of their storage holes.

We like the Playskool Ball 'n' Gear Centre as it's kept Oli well entertained. It's one of those toys that are great value for providing your child with interaction and fun. It's available to buy from Toys R Us as well as other toy shops. Ideal Christmas present for any toddler!

Playskool are currently offering you 50% back when you spend a minimum of £20 on Playskool products at participating stores. Find out more about that here. Great deal with Christmas just being around the corner.
