Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Everyday is like finding a toy I didn’t know I had!

New blogger: Everyday is like finding a toy I didn’t know I had!

By: Little M at

Hi there, its Little M here from Mummy’s Busy World.

I’m a half Chilean half American bilingual tot living in the UK. There’s not too many of us little ones blogging for our mummies and I started my blog to help my mami out (that’s what I call her). She was always saying she wanted to start one but didn’t have the time. So I thought, why not give her a hand? Cleary I didn’t know any different because this blogging business has turned out to be a full time job! Between my action-packed days at nursery, the sandbox and the paddling pool I somehow manage to sneak onto mami’s computer and blog about what’s going on in our lives.

I am a newbie blogger. Yep! Brand new. Just started in April, but despite not having enough hours in my day I find it to be so much fun! I get to tell you what my mami is up to and I have managed to find her some very nice mummy friends. However, everyday I discover something new about the world of blogging.

Let’s start from the very beginning. After deciding I wanted to start the blog I had to choose, Wordpress , Tumblr or Blogger? After testing out Tumblr and not feeling at ease with it after two weeks, I moved over to Blogger because I felt it was the best option for my skill set. It seemed easy enough - just write, link and drop a picture in the box and presto, the post is up!

After the first two posts, I thought, how do the other mummies get people to read their blogs and how will I know who’s reading it? I overheard mami and her friend from work talking one day and she mentioned using Google Analytics to track site visits. I made a mental note and made sure to register the next day.

After that breakthrough I came across Bit URL in order to shorten links for twitter and began adding blogs to my blogroll. But the part that took the longest to figure out was the formatting and background! I went through several templates and backgrounds until the lovely Liz at Violet Posy made one especially for me.

Fast forward two months and I am still uncovering the tricks of the trade. Each day that I blog is like finding something new in my toy box that I didn’t know I had!

I read a lot of other blogs, look at other layouts, and most importantly I leave nice comments when I really like what someone has written and most times they come visit my site too! Mami calls it networking. Whatever it is, it works! Also, mami goes on twitter to tell everyone what I have written. I leave that part to her as she is best at doing my PR.

And just to prove that I do learn something new everyday – today I discovered Linky Tools thanks to Erica at Little Mummy. I have gone and added it to my monthly Bilingual Corner posts to share with everyone who comes by. Align Left

Us kids and technology, we’re fast learners - because mami sure isn’t!

¡Adiós! Little M
